Sex Therapy
Sex therapy is psychotherapy with a focus on concerns of human sexuality. Sex therapy does not involve taking off your clothes or any type of physical touch. Human sexuality can be impacted by a number of factors, and frequently requires integrative care. I regularly collaborate with other healthcare providers and skilled health professionals including urologists, gynecologists, and pelvic floor physical therapists to help you achieve your treatment goals.
Commonly Treated Concerns:
Adjusting to Postpartum Sex
Anxiety and Depression
Changes in Intimacy
Changes in Sexual Arousal, Desire, or Interest
Desire Discrepancy
Ejaculatory Concerns (Premature, Rapid, or Delayed Ejaculation)
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Loss of Intimacy
Pain or Discomfort During Sex (Chronic Pain, Dyspareunia, Vulvodynia and Vagninismus)
Relationship Concerns (Communication, Navigating Conflict, Establishing Boundaries)
Sexual Identity Concerns (Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation, Consensual Non-Monogamy, Kink and BDSM)